Take a Deep Breath…Here Come the Holidays

It’s mid-November already. Eek. Thanksgiving is only two weeks away. Eek eek. We feel our collective blood pressure rising. We know that the holiday season is supposed to be jolly and bright, but it’s hard to keep our sanity when the kids are already seeing all the toys ads on TV and asking for a Wii and Legos and Disney Princesses and this and that and the other thing.

You can imagine our relief when we came across “9 New Traditions for a Greener, Saner Holiday Season” on the Planet Green website. Ahhh.

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It’s time to take back the holiday season. Start your own traditions, and make memories of the fun you had rather than all of the shopping you did. Focus on living more deliberately this holiday season; making real choices about how you are going to spend your time and resources. Rather than getting caught up in the shopping frenzy, make eco-conscious choices whenever possible. It’s not about giving up those holiday traditions, it’s about making them better!

The nine ideas that writer Colleen Vanderlinden suggest all make perfect sense. Slow down and refocus on what really is important this holiday season. It’s not about the latest greatest electronics. It’s not about “trying to go all Martha Stewart on your Thanksgiving table,” as Colleen so eloquently puts it. It’s about sharing time with family and friends and creating new traditions.

We can do that. Are you in?

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Filed under Green Ideas, Inspiration

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